Blogiin on tullut uusia kirjoituksia sangen rauhalliseen tahtiin, ja edellinen kirjoitus on jo yli kahden vuoden takaa, hups! Elokuussa 2014 alkaneet opinnot on nyt saatettu loppuun - syyskuun alussa jätin gradun tarkastettavaksi, valmistumispäivä ehti vielä lokakuun puolelle, laillistuksen sain marraskuun puolivälissä, ja paperisen todistuksen sain käteeni vihdoin marraskuun lopulla. Nykyisin onneksi tiedot siirtyvät sähköisesti eri organisaatioiden välillä, joten laillistusta saattoi hakea jo ennen paperitodistuksen saamista. Luottamus postin jakeluun ei ilmeisesti ollut ihan huippua, kun jätin tutkintotodistuspyynnön, sillä postittamisen sijasta valitsin vaihtoehdon "noudan todistuksen". Valinta ei ollut huono, sillä Postin lakko sattui samoihin aikoihin.
Tässä vielä kahdet neulakintaat, jotka valmistuivat muistaakseni jo kesällä 2018, mutta blogipostaus on jäänyt tekemättä. Näissä valkoisissa pistona venäläinen 2+2+1 Sakkolasta (UUOOU/OUUOOO F1) (linkki; värin vaihto Ailin ohjeella linkki) ja ruskeissa suomeksi 1+2 F1 (linkki). Molemmissa lanka on Villa Laurilasta, mutta lankojen tarkemmat tiedot ovat valitettavasti jo unohtuneet.
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Neulakintaat venäjäksi 2+2+1 F1, Sakkola Nalbound mittens, Sakkola Stitch UUOOU/OUUOOO F1 |
My blog has been rather quiet for a long time, and I see the previous post was dated over two years ago, oops! The studies I started in August 2014 are finished now. I submitted my Master's Thesis for the final evaluation in the beginning of September, the date of graduation was registered at the end of October, got my professional license to practice in mid-November, and finally at the end of November I got the paper copy of my graduation certificate. Information between different organizations is transferred electronically nowadays, which is wonderful because that is why I was able to get my licence to practice before I got the paper copy of my certification. The Postal services were on strike for 2.5 weeks at that time, so I was glad I had chosen to collect the certificate from the student services office by myself instead of them mailing the certificate.
The two nalbinding mittens that I finished already in summer 2018, I think, but have not blogged about them yet: The white ones were made using Sakkola Stitch UUOOU/OUUOO F1 (link; change of colours by Aili link), and the brown ones Mammen Stitch UOO/UUOO F1 (link). Both yarns are from Villa Laurila but unfortunately I have forgotten the details.
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Neulakintaat venäjäksi 2+2+1 F1, Sakkola Nalbound mittens, Sakkola Stitch UUOOU/OUUOOO F1 |
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Neulakintaat suomeksi 1+2 F1 Nalbound mittens, Mammen Stitch UOO/UUOO F1 |
#83, 84
Thanks for reviving your blog! I've seen too many good blogs die and I'm glad you're trying to save this one.
VastaaPoistaThe mittens are beautiful. I am slowly reading your post here and there (skipping around), trying to learn what I can from you. Please keep sharing!
VastaaPoistaCongratulations on your certificate! You have a very thorough guide of examples of the stitches on another blog post. Thank you so much for taking the time to put it together! Do you think you might put together a guide for Why and When the different stitches should be used? For example: I've only figured out how to do the York stitch (so far!), it makes a fairly flat but tightly woven material so is Really good for pouches (I've made three so far!) and pockets (because small things won't fall out). What kind of material do the other stitches make, and what kind of articles of clothing would it be useful for? Thanks in advance for your time to read this! Have a Wonderful day and a Better tomorrow!
VastaaPoistaPlease could you explain the written stitch notification. I cannot get my head around it.
VastaaPoistaHi! If you follow this link, you'll see pictures and explanation, and a link to a video (Hansens' Notation)